Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Well, we are all finally over being sick. First Jan with her head cold, then Tristan with congestion and then Seth with a mild cold. All in all we fared pretty well, considering. Tristan's sleep schedule was all outta whack when he was sick, and that meant that mommy and daddy didnt get much sleep for about a week. He was waking up all snotty so we would have to go in and suck baby goo from his nose. poor little guy! But he is doing much better and is looking forward to a big ham thanksgiving dinner at our friends', Bhavna and John. I just finished making the Townsend traditional sticky buns. Jan is working on some green beans, a corn side and pumpkin cream pie. We are also bringing over some wonderful beer:
  • Bruery Autumn Maple (beer brewed with maple syrup and yams!)
and some home brew:
  • belgian ale brewed with cherries from a friends yard and some
  • IPA brewed with hops from our yard.
Should be a fun afternoon!

Took this video last night. Jan was out running some errands and Tristan was being extra vocal, so i had to grab it on tape. He is starting to take after his mom in this sense!! Enjoy your holidays!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Fun

Halloween night - Tristan was begging to go out trick or treating, but his only special request was milk. Can you see the empty bag (and disappointment on his face?!) Unfortunately, we came home with nada. He was upset, cried, and then fell asleep by 8. Typical night, really. We handed out candy to the neighborhood kids until 8, and then the lights went out. Too much noise and excitement for us and Dublin by then - and we were wanting some peace and quiet. We didn't even get a chance to carve up the old pumpkin -- maybe next year.

He couldn't decide between an owl, a giraffe, a hedgehog, or a jailbird, so we let him be all of them. Cast your vote for the favorite! He is taking suggestions for next year already, and will be scrapping the milk in favor of Butterfingers and gum - so you better be ready!